Pros And Cons Of Attending Group Dog Training Classes

If you would like to learn how to better train your dog, you have two options. You can hire a dog trainer to come work with you personally, or you can attend group training classes. While group training classes are not for everyone, they do work well for many dog owners. Here are some pros and cons to review as you decide whether to enroll in group dog training classes yourself.

How to Prepare for Your Dog's First Boarding Experience

As COVID-19 restrictions relax, more and more people will start planning vacations. If you are eager to leave home but have a new dog, you may be looking at kennel facilities. If you've never boarded your dog before, here are some ways to prepare for that experience. Look for a Facility with a Yard Some boarding facilities and veterinarian offices have kennels, but they may not have much of a yard or place for dogs to roam.